The 80-20 rule maintains that 80% of outcomes (outputs) come from 20% of causes (inputs).
In time banking this means that 80% of your activity for any time period will come from 20% or your members. This is an import concept to understand! Some administrators will continuously work to deactivate “inactive” accounts from that 80%. Doing so leaves an organization with an even smaller number of active accounts, of which 20% is an even smaller number. We have seen more than one time bank manage its way into oblivion following this practice.
Being a member of a time bank is like having insurance with a special benefit. As a member I am insured, because if ever I broke a leg, the time bank would be there to get me to the doctors or bring me meals and what have you. Conversely, I am an insurer of my community! If ever there were a disaster of any kind, time bank members like myself can instantly become an active force to provide for the needs of the greater community. We are already in network.
You don't cancel your insurance because you've not had any claims. Your silent time bank members are a powerful latent force that may be drawn to the fore by the circumstances of those in need. We can't ever assume what may or may not stimulate a member to action. So please, don't deactivate my account just because I haven't participated in awhile.