About hOurworld®️ Partner SELC - The Sustainable Economies Law Center"
hOurworld®️ is an International Network of Timebanks


an international network
of neighbors helping neighbors


• 25,344 members • 175 communities • 3,158,814 hours service received!


Janelle Orsi and Jenny Kassan are lawyers looking to help you share at the Sustainable Economies Law Center
The Sustainable Economies Law Center facilitates the growth of sustainable, localized and just economies, through education, legal research and advocacy to support practices such as barter, cooperatives, community-supported enterprises, sharing, local currencies, ecovillages, urban agriculture, and local investing.

Learn more at the SELC website!

Resources Provided By SELC

  1. Raising Dough: A silly 45-second video about our work to raise money today.
  2. A Day in the Life of SELC: A fun 43-second video depicting a day in the life of SELC.
  3. Legal Roots of Resilience: A 4-minute cartoon about legal barriers to creating resilient communities.
  4. Housing for an Economically Sustainable Future: 8-minute cartoon about cooperative housing law.
  5. Economy Sandwich: A 9-minute cartoon all about the legal grey areas that arise in the sharing economy.
  6. Citylicious: A 9-minute cartoon all about legal issues that arise in connection to urban agriculture.
  7. Share Spray: A fun 5-minute animation about how sharing will transform the world, made in collaboration with the Center for a New American Dream.
  8. Legal Eats: A 14-part video series on legal topics relevant to starting a community-based food enterprise, made in collaboration with the Green Collar Communities Clinic - featuring more cartoons!
  9. Think Outside the Boss: An 8-part video series on legal topics relevant to starting a worker cooperative, made in collaboration with the Green Collar Communities Clinic - featuring more cartoons!
  10. The Legal Landscape of Social Enterprise and the Sharing Economy - featuring SELC's co-founders Jenny Kassan and Janelle Orsi - featuring more cartoons!