About the hOurworld®️ Founders
hOurworld®️ is an International Network of Timebanks


an international network
of neighbors helping neighbors


• 25,344 members • 175 communities • 3,158,814 hours service received!

Meet the hOurworld® co-founders:

Stephen Beckett Meet Stephen V Beckett, Physical Therapist, Programmer, Artist, Sailor, Gardner

Stephen graduated with honors from the University of New England's Physical Therapy degree program. He practiced a mix of mainstream and eclectic manual therapies for over twenty years.

Stephen has been messing about with computer electronics and programming since he was knee high to a coke bottle. They call him a 'renaissance man' on account of his many self taught talents like oil painting (MaineArtStudio.com) and sailing.

He possesses a unique blend of left and right brain capabilities, and is responsible for creating the original hOurworld® timebank network software. Stephen is now the lead programmer on the hOurworld® software team.

John Saare John Saare, Enterprise Software Engineer, Local Foodie, Gym Rat, Potter, Farmer
Terry Daniels Meet Terry Daniels. Community Co-op Developer, Trainer

Terry Daniels, Community Co-op Developer, combines entrepreneurial leadership skills practiced and honed as owner/operator of several businesses with particular interest and experience in community-based economics.

Community Co-ops allow members to earn and spend time credits through group projects. They create exchange opportunities that normally do not happen in traditional member-to-member exchanges.

Community Co-ops can also be a source of funding for the exchange via grants or projects performed in the cash economy.

Terry helped create two community co-ops, Hour Exchange Portland's Step One Weatherization and Long Island Home Enterprise, a housing renovation cooperative.

Terry loves to see that look in people's eyes, the shift in thinking and believing, when they are opening to a new possibility - realizing a wealth they never valued by asking for what they need and giving whatever they have. Terry goes through this shift himself and wants to share that with others in hOurworld.

Linda Hogan Meet Linda Hogan. Social Architect, Storyteller

Linda is a Social Architect and Storyteller who was raised in a large family in a small, rural, college town in New Hampshire where the creation and practice of community currency was a valued norm.  Relationships – true social security—are her definition of wealth, and exchanging time with others is her authentic lifestyle

Linda has been a non-profit administrator, community organizer and social architect working in the communities of New Hampshire and Maine for over 30 years. Her stories and skills have been shared around the country at conferences and in living rooms with kindred spirits.

She is a happy founding member of hOurworld, and previously served as both a board member and Executive Director for Hour Exchange Portland and as a consultant to TimeBanksUSA.

Dear Friends,
I'm writing to share the news that after six remarkable years, I have resigned as one of the three founding social architects of hOurworld® cooperative. hOurworld® focuses solely and continuously on the beautiful way of timebanking. I'm moving on in service to other beautiful ways of community currency.
It's all connected. It's all good.
Thank you for exchanging over 2 million hours of social capital since we launched. We are co-investors and participants of a reclaimed economy that is graceful and just. I hope for each of you the Giving Acts heralded your exquisite gifts and the Receiving Acts took root to satiate your unfed wants and needs. For me, this has always been — and will always be — The Currency of Love.
I've begun the next leg of my journey—to empty the vast collection of stories stored in my heart into a patiently waiting computer. Some of the Tellings and Knowings that are the most precious to me were gifted during my era as traveler and trainer for hOurworld. By putting those stories to paper the sweet cycle of reciprocity continues uninterrupted. Thank you for sharing Time with me.
In Peace & Love,
Linda Hogan

August 1, 2016