hOurworld Directory of TimeBanks
hOurworld®️ is an International Network of Timebanks


an international network
of neighbors helping neighbors


• 25,829 members • 193 communities • 3,166,793 hours service received!

hOurworld International Directory of Timebanks

190 Records
ContactOrganization NameFoundedCityStateCountryMembersLast TransLast YearExchanges
ContactTimebank SD 2014San DiegoCalifornia [CA]United States [US]310Nov 2024111189
ContactMissoula Time Bank 2013MissoulaMontana [MT]United States [US]103Jul 2024103958
ContactMAP Minutes 2024AmherstMassachusetts [MA]United States [US]10Oct 20241010
ContactAustin Time Exchange Network 2014AustinTexas [TX]United States [US]207Dec 202493949
ContactAsheville TimeBank 2015EnkaNorth Carolina [NC]United States [US]274Dec 202483552
ContactPDX Time Bank 2014PortlandOregon [OR]United States [US]1143Aug 202473686
ContactJuniata River Blueprint Communities 2023Mount UnionPennsylvania [PA]United States [US]14Feb 2024711
ContactChico Time Exchange 2012ChicoCalifornia [CA]United States [US]319Feb 202455405
ContactSouthern Oregon Time Co op 2013AshlandOregon [OR]United States [US]542Oct 202458993
ContactMilwaukee (Area) Time Exchange 2013MilwaukeeWisconsin [WI]United States [US]1095Jun 2024514244