hOurworld Directory of TimeBanks
hOurworld®️ is an International Network of Timebanks


an international network
of neighbors helping neighbors


• 26,095 members • 189 communities • 3,170,024 hours service received!

hOurworld International Directory of Timebanks

206 Records
ContactOrganization NameFoundedCityStateCountryMembersLast TransLast YearExchanges
ContactMilwaukee (Area) Time Exchange 2013MilwaukeeWisconsin [WI]United States [US]1100Jun 2024514244
ContactTime Bank of Thrive Lake County 2013LakeportCalifornia [CA]United States [US]429Sep 2024416621
ContactCapital District Mutual Aid Time Bank 2024TroyNew York [NY]United States [US]212Feb 202542872
ContactKaabo Clay — (Startup)2024SarasotaFlorida [FL]United States [US]5Aug 202444
v2 Contact*Mahaska County Time Bank 2025OskaloosaIowa [IA]United States [US]18Mar 202544
ContactFull Spectrum Community Time Exchange 2024YpsilantiMichigan [MI]United States [US]13Dec 202433
ContactTime Bank Mahoning Watershed 2012HubbardOhio [OH]United States [US]237Sep 2024224722
ContactTimeCareBank — (Startup)2024MoorparkCalifornia [CA]United States [US]9Jul 202422
ContactEcoaldea mi Tribu 2022Bogotá Capitol District []Colombia [CO]11Jan 20241140
ContactTompkins Time Traders 2011LansingNew York [NY]United States [US]52Jan 202104646