hOurworld Directory of TimeBanks
hOurworld®️ is an International Network of Timebanks


an international network
of neighbors helping neighbors


• 26,095 members • 189 communities • 3,170,024 hours service received!

hOurworld International Directory of Timebanks

206 Records
ContactOrganization NameFoundedCityStateCountryMembersLast TransLast YearExchanges
ContactHour Exchange Pagosa 2012Pagosa SpringsColorado [CO]United States [US]105Apr 202102347
ContactAurora Time Bank 2012AuroraColorado [CO]United States [US]257Sep 2022043823
ContacthOur Exchange Ypsilanti 2013YpsilantiMichigan [MI]United States [US]247Mar 202507396
ContactGreener Acres Value Network 2013ColumbusOhio [OH]United States [US]23Jan 2022094
ContactSan Benito Time Exchange 2013HollisterCalifornia [CA]United States [US]54Oct 20150885
ContactOrange County Time Exchange 2013IrvineCalifornia [CA]United States [US]214Apr 202101007
ContactMonadnock Time Exchange 2013KeeneNew Hampshire [NH]United States [US]109Sep 202303308
ContactThe Cowry Collective 2013St. LouisMissouri [MO]United States [US]314Jun 202002139
ContacthOur Exchange LaPlata (HELP) 2013BayfieldColorado [CO]United States [US]50Apr 202304495
ContactTallahassee Time Bank 2014TallahasseeFlorida [FL]United States [US]237Dec 201901458